Digital Blocks market planning & architecture phases to integrate the system level view of how the IP core functions based on so many years of system level design. We provide our potential customers with pre-verified Verilog / VHDL soft IP cores with System-Level Architecture features which reduce costs and enhance their System’s capabilities and accelerate the product development.
Digital Blocks offers the DB9000 gathering of highlight rich and savvy Display Controller IP cores for driving innovation organizations which require TFT LCD or OLED panels for the item. DB9000 family Display Controllers is tried with different microprocessors, information transport interfaces to outline cushion memory, and diverse LCD or OLED board makers and goals
Digital Blocks also offers AXI DMA Controller with Master AXI Interconnect (verilog IP center DB-DMAC-MC-AXI) offers 1–16 Channels with a for every channel CPU descriptor-driven interface controlling the information move between memory subsystems or among memory and a fringe. The AXI DMA Controller highlights Scatter-Gather capacity, with per channel Finite State Control and single-or double clock FIFOs (parameterized top to bottom and width), intrude on controller and discretionary information equality generator and checker. The AXI Master information Interface scales from 32-to 1024-bits, with programmable information explosions of 1, 4, 8, 16 words (with the littlest information move upheld is 1 byte), and up to 16 extraordinary read demands, and for AXI4, the accessibility of programmable QoS and longer information burst lengths. Then this Controller additionally gives an APB or AXI-light Slave Interface for CPU access to Control/Status Registers. The DB-DMAC-MC-AXI is tuned as an elite DMA Engine, for huge and little information square exchanges.
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